So many people spend their entire life searching for money
That search for money and possessions makes them less aware of all the wonderful things they have around them. It’s amazing how many people lose sight of who they are and what they are trying to achieve, either through a lack of personal or professional purpose.
Let me tell you something
There are a lot of billionaires who get to the end of their lives and realize that they wasted their time searching for money. So what’s the flip side? What is it that we should be striving for? Very simply, it’s gratitude.
Learning this is something that takes skill and time. I thought I was grateful fifteen or twenty years ago. I was wrong. When I lost everything it took me years to overcome depression, but when I did I moved to the next level. I went through a process where I began to understand what gratitude really meant. I learned that the smallest things make you the happiest.
You’ve got to be always grateful for what you have
One of the things that I do as soon as I wake up every morning is thank the world, God, and the universe for the fact that I am alive. This is because the moment I wake up I roll over to look at my beautiful partner, Lucy, and in between us is our tiny little baby, Lavender. Our family is completed by our son, Leonardo, who has graduated from sharing our bed to having his very own room.

Once I had children, that morning gratitude exercise became really easy. It doesn’t matter how tough my day has been, how hard the hustle has been, or even if it’s been a great day, nothing compares to how awesome that moment of gratitude feels. It’s not just love, it’s more than love. It’s magical.
At the same time, I’m incredibly humble and grateful for the things I have – good and bad. I think that’s really important. You’ve got to be grateful for what you have, because when you’re grateful, the rest of it starts to unfold for you.
So while you’re on your journey, think about gratitude. Start that morning ritual so that when you first wake up, the moment your eyes open you’re not thinking about having to reach for that cup of coffee, you’re thinking about what you’re most grateful for. If you do this every morning it will start to change the way you behave. Remember, a habit takes a minimum of six weeks to form.
As always, do me a favor, and live with purpose.