Contact us
Postal Address
Po box 3225, Unley, 5061
Below you’ll find a few different options for getting in touch with me and my Team.
Here’s how to best use the form:
In the Comments section please let us know one of the following
Hire Me to Speak: If you’re looking to get me to keynote your conference or speak to your team.
Press: For all interviews, media opportunities, and anything else press-related.
Discovery Call: Want to know if you’re the right fit for our programs.
I need you: You want to skip the process and you’re not concerned about prices and simply want to engage me immediately!!
General Inquiry: Basically if nothing else applies to you, from above.
- Please don’t be disappointed if Kristian is not available. As a general rule he is booked months in advance for speaking engagements, he also has a young family so he prioritises his family first before evening gigs and travel.
- We have a 24 hour turnaround policy on all enquiries (weekends excluded)