Kristian Livolsi Adelaide

Kristian Livolsi Adelaide

Business advisor | Growth Coach | MENTOR | ENTREPRENEUR | FAMILY MAN | AUTHOR

Kristian Livolsi is a Business coach, Mentor, Entrepreneur , Author, and a Family man

First and foremostly Kristian is a family man and a ‘giver’ at heart.

He is a transformational and inspiring leader, purpose-driven, and known for clearly articulating and defining the vision, purpose, and goals of organisations, aligning people and resources, executing effective strategies, and exceeding expectations.

Kristian’s ability to solve complex problems, disrupt established ecosystems, and create solutions that are sustainable and profitable sets him apart. He sits on several boards, gives keynotes, and is a very active angel in the startup community.

Kristian is an Executive Coach and Entrepreneurship Advisor who conducts business globally from his base in Adelaide, Australia, where he lives with his family – Lucy, Leonardo and Lavender.

Aspiration Goal Leadership Planning Vision Mission Concept

My Mission

I help business owners and leaders flourish and grow and I assist them through disruption and change so they can live a more fulfilled life and build a powerful legacy.


My Vision

  • Every day I tell my family a story about how my work changed someone’s life.
  • I make my family proud of how hard I work, my courage, my determination and grit.
  • I help people grow and flourish.
  • I am thankful for all that I have and I have a burning passion to accomplish more.
  • I am proud of who I am and I love who I am.
Lending a hand to pull someone up the hill

My Purpose

To change the world one person at a time starting with me, so that;

  • I can help as many people become the best versions of themselves
  • I can connect people, ideas and organisations so they can flourish.
  • I can give a voice and support, to those that cannot be heard and those less fortunate

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”

Steve Jobs


Failing Forward

Are you wanting to inspire connection and add value to your message at your conference? 

Kristian inspires audiences,  provides an outside perspective and delivers connection!